Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Dirty Old Geyser

Have you ever wondered what goes into a Storage Water Heater, or commonly known as a Geyser? I hadn't... until I got to find out first hand recently.

It was only a matter of getting the damn thing to work again and get some hot water like every other day. So a the beginning we knew it could only be one of 2 things. Either the thermostat (the thermometer like device that cuts off power when temperature reaches a set limit) or the heating coil itself would be faulty.

We quickly eliminate the thermostat as the culprit since the circuit was not broken anywhere and both the lights were ON. So then, it had to be the coil. Great!! We now know what's wrong. We also know what needs to be done. Should not be more than a 10 minute job to change the coil.

Or so we thought.....

Maybe this would be a good time to provide some background info on the "geyser". Born about 8 - 9 years ago somewhere in the factory and named under the brand "Arman", this geyser has served us well. It has undergone a few house shifting experiences and about 2 coil changes in this period. Not to mention that it has also had it's belly cleaned once or twice, thanks to the borewell water used in it all it's life.

Now then, we got a coil from the maket. Good. The ratings match and so do the grooves for the bolts to hold it in place. Very Good.

Next step, remove the faulty coil:

All that had to be done was to remove 3 nuts and voila - a shower of 20 L of water and the coil should be out. Only, the latter did not happen. Now there's something else that needs to be known about the coil. The coil, like any other heating rod that is used to heat water, is just one rod going in a "U" to complete the circuit. It just so happens, that the old rod had gone from a U to a V. The rod goes throught a small hole in the cylinder that contains the water and has just enough space to move in or out. With the U to V situation, the rod would just not come out.

What do you do??

You have to bring the damn thing down and open it all up, fit the new rod and put it back again. And pray that you fit it properly so the water does not leak and the geyser does not blow up.

During this exercise (ofcourse, there was a "qualified" electrician working on it too) I found out what the insulating material is made of... Glass Fibres.

Literally, fine fibres of glass put together. It looks just like a lot of cotton is stuffed in... but the damn thing is so sharp. Even a dust particle cuts and it stings for a day or two. I did feel like a bloody used pincushion. LITERALLY!!

I have to say though, I now know what all goes into assembling a geyser and can take one apart and put it back together pretty well.

Well, the 2 hour exercise paid off. The geyser now works just fine. Only, I don't think it can survive another operation.

Next break down.... May it rest in peace!!!


snippetsnscribbles said...

Have always appreciated this quality in you to learn things on your own, sweets :)

N said...

Yeah well.... Can't get bored now, can I? ;-)