Monday, November 29, 2010

To act or not to act!!

I keep thinking about this on and off. Do we truly realise the consequences of our actions? We may see and foresee the short term effects, but most of us (maybe none of us) are able to understand the gravity of it all.

We do and say things without giving it as much a thought as to how it will change things. Change things for ourselves, for others directly and many others indirectly. When you change one thing for yourself, it changes your behaviour towards another person which in turn changes things for someone else that other person deals with and so on.... It's a bloody exponential effect!!

I'm not saying that the "do good and be good" policy is the best way to go about anything because, really, that don't work in life. You can't be "good" to everyone and expect the world to just kneel in front of you or get a red carpet rolled out just for you. The red carpet gets rolled out only to the doors of hell, I tell you.

I'm not sure I can think that far ahead and see how what I do may effect someone else in what way.. I'm not that wise.. If I was, I'd probably be somewhere in the Himalayas deep in meditation or penance. For I have a feeling that when one is enlightened, one would not still want to stay here and live such a life.

I always wonder how it would be if we had a chance to replay what we did and change it. Kind of like a macro or reviewing a document with Tracking. They say change is constant. Imagine what would happen if we had such powers and every change remains in memory. You do not forget what happened the last time before the change... That would lead to frustrate a lot of people...

Ofcourse, I haven't considered the life and death factors in this wild imagination of mine.. too lazy to think up fixes for them bugs..

What then should we or can we do? How the hell should I know!!!! Go figure it out for yourself.. and if you do find the answer, let me know. I'm here and ready poke enough holes in the theory to sink it like a rock.

1 comment:

Aparna Pai said...

Check out the second quote :)